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The Sunrise Blog


Katy Platt image

Friday Introducing – Katy Platt

This week’s ‘Friday Introducing’ brings you Katy Platt, Financial Controller for Sunrise. Previously Katy has worked as a Chief Operating Of...

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Charles Lee image

Friday Introducing – Charles Lee

Friday Introducing Charles … This week we bring you Charles Lee, Head of Consultancy Services for th...

Business demands process and transaction improvements from IT

Improving customer transactional experience and process efficiency are the big IT priorities in 2015...

10 min image

Does your Service Desk pass the 10 minute test?

Service Desks can counter the threat of “DIY” online support options by offering a faster, more effe...

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Three tips to improve your Service Desk customer experience

Delivering a positive customer experience is becoming the most effective way to prove the value of t...

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Improve your Customer Experience with effective Self-Service

Wikipedia defines Customer Experience as ‘the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier ...

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Why Introduce Self-Service?

With so many benefits not only to the customer, but also to your Support Team, the question should r...

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Sunrise Software?

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