Sunrise Software Blog

How HR Professionals Can Successfully Manage Employee Requests

Written by Sunrise Marketing | Aug 27, 2024 1:05:25 PM

Managing employee requests is like conducting an orchestra. When everything's in sync, you get a beautiful harmony that leaves everyone feeling great. When done poorly, well, it’s just noise. As HR professionals, you’re the ones holding the baton, and how well you manage these requests can set the tone for the entire organisation. So, let’s explore how you can master this process and keep the rhythm flowing smoothly, with a little help from HR case management (HRCM) software.


The Art of Juggling: Understanding Employee Requests

Employee requests come in all shapes and sizes. From attendance cases to complex grievances, each one requires a unique approach. Imagine juggling—some balls are light and easy to catch, while others are heavy and need careful handling. Here's a quick rundown of common types of employee requests:

  • Grievances Cases: Complaints or issues with colleagues, workload, or workplace conditions.
  • Attendance Cases: Cases involving issues with employee attendance, lateness, absence from work.
  • Misconduct Cases: Serious cases around employee conduct including gross misconduct.
  • Payroll Queries: Questions and queries about payroll and over time issues.
  • Change of life events:  Queries and questions around maternity/ paternity and other life events.
  • HR documentation: Requests for official documents, such as employment verification.
  • Benefits enquiries: Questions about healthcare, retirement plans, or other perks.
  • Career development: Questions around training, roles and mentorship.

The challenge is to keep all these requests in the air without dropping any. Let’s explore how HR case management software can be your trusted juggling assistant.


How HR Case Management Software can Streamline your HR Processes

Imagine trying to manage all those requests without a system in place. It's like juggling with one hand tied behind your back! HRCM software helps streamline the process, making it more efficient and manageable. Here’s why it's indispensable:

  1. Centralised information hub: All requests are stored in one place, making it easy to track and manage.
  2. Automated workflows: Automate repetitive tasks, like sending confirmation emails, to save time.
  3. Data-driven insights: Access to analytics helps in identifying patterns and making informed decisions.
  4. Improved communication: A single platform for all communications ensures nothing falls through the cracks.


The Domino Effect: How Efficient Request Management Boosts Employee Satisfaction

Handling employee requests efficiently isn’t just about ticking boxes or getting through a to-do list. It’s about creating a workplace where employees feel valued and supported. When requests are managed well, it doesn’t just solve the issue at hand—it boosts overall morale and engagement. One good experience can set off a positive chain reaction, improving the atmosphere across the entire team.

To make this even smoother, tools like self-service portals (SSP) and chat bots can make a huge difference. SSPs give employees easy access to submit requests, track progress, and find information whenever they need it—no more waiting for office hours. Chatbots can handle routine questions instantly, providing quick answers without the wait. With integrations to ChatGPT and SharePoint, users can easily find answers to common queries, saving the HR team valuable time

By using SSPs and chat bots, you’re not just keeping things running smoothly—you’re empowering employees to get what they need, when they need it. This creates a positive experience that can spread throughout the organisation, making everyone’s work life a little easier and a lot more satisfying.

Small improvements in request handling can lead to significant changes in employee morale and productivity. For example:

  • Timely responses: Prompt replies to requests show that you value employees' time and concerns.
  • Transparency: Clear communication about the status of their request builds trust.
  • Personalisation: Tailoring responses to individual needs make employees feel valued.


The Nitty-Gritty: Best Practices for Managing Employee Requests

Let’s focus on what really matters—the employee experience. Here are some best practices for handling requests that will make a positive impact on your team and ensure that every employee feels supported and valued.

  1. Prioritise requests

Not all requests are created equal. Prioritise them based on urgency and impact. For instance, a grievance case may need to be addressed before a benefits enquiry.

  1. Set clear expectations

Communicate expected timelines and next steps to employees. One effective way to do this is by setting and sharing service level agreements (SLAs) for different types of requests. SLAs outline how long it should take to respond to and resolve specific issues, which helps set clear, realistic expectations from the start. By being upfront about timelines and sticking to them, you not only build trust but also create a more predictable and efficient process.

  1. Document everything

Maintain a record of all requests and the actions taken. This helps in resolving disputes and provides valuable data for future decision-making.

  1. Use technology to your advantage

Leverage HRCM software to automate and streamline the process. Features like automated reminders and escalation protocols can make a world of difference.

  1. Follow up and follow through

Don’t just resolve the request and move on. Follow up to ensure the employee is satisfied with the outcome. It’s like tying a bow on a neatly wrapped present—it's the finishing touch that makes all the difference.


The Human Touch: Balancing Automation with Personal Interaction

While HRCM software is fantastic for efficiency, it’s crucial not to lose the human touch, and in an increasingly digital world, the value of personal interaction and empathy cannot be overstated. After all, HR is about people. When employees feel heard and valued, their satisfaction and loyalty increases.

Use technology to handle the administrative aspects, but don’t forget to add a personal note, especially in sensitive cases like grievances or personal issues. Asking someone if they are okay can go a long way in resolving issues and building trust.

The Do's and Don'ts of Request Management


  • Prioritise and categorise requests
  • Set clear expectations
  • Use HRCM software for efficiency
  • Maintain transparency and communication
  • Follow up after resolving requests


  • Ignore or delay responses
  • Treat all requests the same
  • Over-rely on automated responses
  • Forget to personalise interactions
  • Neglect to document actions taken


The Final Note: A Word on Employee Satisfaction

Managing employee requests efficiently not only enhances the employee experience but also contributes to overall employee satisfaction. Happy employees are more engaged, productive, and likely to stay with the company. And as an HR professional, that’s the ultimate goal, isn’t it?

For more information on how HRCM software can transform your HR department, check out Sunrise Software's HR Case Management.

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