Sunrise Software Blog

How Service Desk Teams at Councils Can Achieve More with Limited Budgets

Written by Sunrise Marketing | Oct 16, 2024 11:38:07 AM

Managing budgets, optimising funds, and meeting the growing demand for public services can often feel like walking a tightrope – and as the council IT support team, you're right there on the wire every day! You’ve got public needs pulling on one side and limited resources tugging on the other. But your job isn’t just about staying upright; it’s about making the journey look effortless – smooth, efficient, and cost-effective.

This constant balancing act pushes you to think outside the box, plan strategically, and occasionally take bold steps into new ways of working. And when a fresh solution comes along? It’s like finding a safety net below, giving you the confidence to stride ahead, knowing you've got that extra support to keep things steady.

There is a cost to inefficiency; when service desk teams rely on outdated systems and manual processes, it leads to wasted time, increased risk of errors, and missed opportunities for optimisation. The cumulative effect of these inefficiencies can be significant, draining valuable resources that councils can ill afford. Simply put, relying on tools like Excel for IT service management is like trying to fill a bucket with holes—no matter how fast you pour, you’re losing valuable resources along the way.


Is Excel enough for managing council IT support?

Excel has long been a go-to tool for managing various tasks within council IT support teams. It's familiar, accessible, and provides flexibility for tracking and managing data. For many councils, Excel represents a straightforward and cost-effective solution. However, as service demands grow and become more complex, the limitations of Excel begin to surface.

While Excel is useful for certain tasks, it can become time-consuming and challenging to manage when dealing with large volumes of data or complex processes. Manual data entry, the potential for human error, and difficulties in integrating Excel with other systems can create inefficiencies that slow down operations. These challenges don’t negate the value of Excel but highlight the need for more robust tools as service desk operations expand.

Transitioning to an integrated system such as Sunrise IT service management can address these limitations, allowing you to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and better utilise your resources. By recognising when it’s time to move beyond Excel, your team can take a proactive step towards optimising their service desk operations and achieving more with limited budgets.


Why should I invest in a service management solution?

While investing in a robust IT service management system like Sunrise might seem like an added expense, it’s actually the most budget-friendly IT solution available in the long term. Think of it as investing in a high-quality toolkit: it might cost more upfront, but the time, money, and effort it saves you down the line are worth every penny.

With an IT service management system, you can automate many of their processes, integrate seamlessly with existing tools such as IT asset management (ITAM), discovery tools, and monitoring systems, and streamline operations in ways that Excel simply cannot. This is about more than just saving time - it’s about optimising service desk operations, improving service desk productivity, and, most importantly, achieving more with limited budgets.


How Sunrise Can Help

At Sunrise, we understand the unique challenges faced by public sector IT management, having built long-standing relationships with councils across the UK. Our IT service management software can be tailored to suit your local government IT needs, offering a solution that’s both cost-effective and efficient. But what does that actually mean for your council?

  1. All-inclusive pricing: Budgeting is easier when you know exactly what you’re paying for. Our all-inclusive pricing model ensures there are no hidden costs, making financial planning straightforward and transparent.
  2. Integration and automation: Sunrise seamlessly integrates with third-party applications, whether it’s your IT asset management tools, discovery tools, or monitoring systems. By connecting all the dots, Sunrise allows councils to automate processes that were once manual, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing overall efficiency.
  3. Long-term partnership: When you choose Sunrise, you’re not just buying software - you’re entering into a partnership for life. We provide ongoing support to ensure that your service desk operations continue to run smoothly, regardless of the challenges you face.
  4. Significant cost savings: We can save councils money on their ServiceNow renewal costs. That means not only a reduction in expenses – it allows your council to optimise your budget whilst gaining an IT partner for life. These savings can then be redirected to other critical areas, allowing councils to do more with less.


Practical Steps for Council IT Budget Optimisation

To maximise council IT resources effectively, here are some practical steps you can take:

    1. Evaluate current processes: Take a close look at your current service desk operations. Identify areas where inefficiencies exist and consider how they could be improved through automation or integration with existing tools.
    2. Cost-benefit analysis: Before dismissing an IT service management system as too expensive, conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Compare the long-term savings and efficiency gains of an integrated system against the ongoing costs and inefficiencies of your current processes.
    3. Vendor partnerships: Choose a vendor who understands the specific needs of public sector IT management. A vendor like Sunrise, who offers a partnership for life, can provide invaluable support in optimising your service desk operations.
    4. Training and development: Invest in training for your service desk teams. The more familiar they are with the tools and systems at their disposal, the more efficiently they can use them, leading to improved productivity and service desk best practices.
    5. Continuous improvement: Finally, adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and so too should your approach to IT management. Regularly review and update your processes to ensure they remain as efficient and cost-effective as possible.


The Hidden Costs of Doing Nothing

Sometimes, the biggest cost comes from inaction. Sticking with outdated processes might seem like the safer option, but in reality, it’s costing your council in ways you might not even realise. For example:

- Wasted Time: Manual processes are time-consuming. Every minute your staff spends entering data manually is time that could be spent on more strategic tasks.

- Increased Risk: Human error is a significant risk in any manual process. Incorrect data, missed deadlines, and other errors can all result in costly mistakes.

- Lost Opportunities: By sticking with inefficient processes, you’re missing out on opportunities to streamline operations, improve service delivery, and ultimately serve your community better.


Achieving More with Less

In a world of reduced budgets, service desk teams at councils need to be smarter, more efficient, and more strategic. By moving away from outdated systems like Excel and investing in a comprehensive IT service management system like Sunrise, you can optimise your operations, save money, and achieve more with limited budgets.

The old saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” and it’s true. But by filling that cup with the right tools and systems, you can ensure you’re well-equipped to serve your communities, even in the face of financial challenges.


If you’re ready to take the next step towards efficient service desk operations, explore how Sunrise’s ITSM software can help. With the right approach, achieving more with less isn’t just a possibility—it’s a reality.