Sunrise Software Blog

How Service Level Agreements Drive IT Service Excellence

Written by Sunrise Marketing | Sep 19, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Picture this - You’re the captain of a football team. Your players are running all over the place, some chasing the ball, others casually walking, and your goalie? Well, they’re off grabbing a snack. What’s missing? A game plan - rules to keep everyone aligned and working towards the same goal.

In IT support, that game plan is your service level agreement (SLA). Without one, it’s impossible to know if your team’s scoring goals or just running in circles. But with SLAs? Everyone knows what's expected, the responsibilities are crystal clear, and your IT support management starts running smoothly and efficiently.

So, how does an SLA help turn your service desk into a powerhouse of efficiency and satisfaction? Let’s kick off!


What does SLA stand for? And why should you care?

Let’s answer that burning question: what does SLA stand for? In short, it’s a service level agreement - a contract between your IT team and the users you support. It lays out the level of service expected, like response times, resolution times, and the standards you’ll be held to.

SLAs are not just for impressing management. They’re a tool to improve communication, manage expectations, and keep the whole ship sailing smoothly. When your end-users know what to expect, they’re happier. When your team knows what they’re accountable for, they’re more focused. Win-win.


Why do SLAs matter?

They’re more than just a ‘nice to have’! Service desk professionals wear a lot of hats. One minute you're solving an issue for the finance team, the next, you're fixing the CEO’s printer for the third time that week. In the middle of all that chaos, SLAs give structure. They’re the safety net that ensures no matter how wild things get, everyone knows what’s expected, when it's expected, and how long it’ll take to get things sorted.

Think of SLAs as the compass guiding your IT team. Without them, there’s no clear direction -just guesswork. But with SLAs in place, you’re setting goals that are measurable, achievable, and agreed upon by both your team and your end-users. It's like agreeing to rules before a game: no more arguments about who’s winning, because you’ve already defined what success looks like.


How SLAs impact the end-user experience:

It’s easy to think of SLAs as something that only benefits the IT team - helping you organise, prioritise, and track workloads. But they also play a starring role in transforming the end-user experience.

Let’s put it in relatable terms. Say you order a pizza. You don’t want to wait around wondering if it’ll arrive in 15 minutes or two hours. You want a clear promise: “Your pizza will arrive in 30 minutes or less.” That’s exactly what SLAs do for your end-users. They set clear expectations, removing the uncertainty that leads to frustration. By laying out how long it will take to respond and resolve issues, you build trust with users. They know when to expect help, and more importantly, they know you’re committed to delivering it.


How SLAs boost your IT service delivery

Although SLAs positively impact the end-user experience, they also help your IT team become more efficient and, dare we say, happier in their jobs. Here’s how:

  • Prioritisation: SLAs give you a framework for deciding which issues need to be tackled first. You’re not stuck in firefighting mode, dealing with whoever yells the loudest. You can focus on high-priority tickets first, while ensuring lower-priority issues don’t slip through the cracks.
  • Accountability: When expectations are clear, so is accountability. SLAs help track response and resolution times, ensuring that everyone on the team knows what they need to do and by when.
  • Performance tracking: With clear goals in place, it’s easy to track how well your team is doing. Are you consistently hitting your targets? Are there bottlenecks that need to be addressed? SLAs help identify areas for improvement, so you can tweak your processes and keep things running smoothly.


How to create a service level agreement that works

Writing an SLA isn’t rocket science, but it does take careful thought. Here are a few things to consider when drafting yours:

  • Response times: How quickly will you respond to a ticket?
  • Resolution times: How long will it take to fully resolve an issue?
  • Priority levels: Will you categorise tickets by priority, and how will that impact the SLA times?
  • Penalties or consequences: What happens if the agreed targets aren’t met?

And don’t forget to keep your SLAs flexible. They shouldn’t be set in stone. Instead, review them regularly to ensure they still reflect your business needs and user expectations.

Manually tracking SLAs? That’s the stuff of nightmares. If you want to avoid the hair-pulling stress of juggling spreadsheets and reminders, automation is your best friend. Using IT service management software to automate SLA tracking means you can focus on fixing issues, not chasing deadlines. Tools like Sunrise’s IT service management solution make it easy to monitor response times, trigger alerts, and generate performance reports. Basically, it’s like having a personal assistant for your SLAs.


Common SLA mistakes and how to sidestep them

While service level agreements can be a game-changer, they can also lead to headaches if not managed properly. Here are some common pitfalls:

  • Over-promising: Don’t be a hero by promising unrealistic resolution times. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver.
  • Ignoring user feedback: SLAs should reflect what your users actually need, not just what looks good on paper. Regular feedback helps fine-tune them.
  • Lack of flexibility: Be adaptable. Things change, and your SLAs should too.


At the end of the day, service level agreements aren’t just about setting service targets; they’re about aligning your team’s goals with user expectations, fostering trust, and making IT support smoother. Done right, SLAs are the cornerstone of exceptional IT service delivery. They keep your team focused, your users happy, and your services running like clockwork.

So, ready to up your SLA game? Check out our IT service management page to see how we can help you automate, optimise, and deliver IT service excellence.