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Video: An Introduction to Self-Service

Video: An Introduction to Self-Service



Web Self-Service is a vital tool that service desks can introduce to improve the customer experience. But with 42% of service desks* struggling to get their users to adopt this technology, it is clear that many of them are not in a position to take advantage of Self-Service.

Some of the biggest problems many service desks face when launching Self-Service relate to the portal itself. If a Self-Service portal is confusing or difficult to use, customers will no longer use it and the chances of making the Self-Service portal a success is limited. Getting the right portal is the first step in achieving Self-Service success.

This is where Sunrise can help.

The Sunrise Self-Service Portal is configurable (allowing you to adapt it to your customer’s needs) and, with its HTML interface, easy to use.

This short video provides a brief introduction to the Sunrise Self-Service portal and includes information on:

  • The dashboard
  • The knowledge base
  • Chat integration
  • Logging a request.

For more information on how Sunrise can help you, please get in touch with a member of the team.

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