IT Operations Software
IT can be complex. But it doesn’t need to be.
Gain control of your IT Operations

From managing change requests, to identifying critical issues with your IT assets, your IT department is under a constant threat of being overloaded with demands and requests which without proper management can easily be lost or missed.
But this doesn’t need to be the case. Sunrise’s IT Operations features ensure that your Service Management functions can work together and collaborate on one single platform.
Never lose sight of your configuration items, keep control of your release processes and deployment of your packages of change and monitor the most critical issues so that you are proactive in managing your IT environment – not reactive.
Get back in control of your IT Operations with Sunrise IT Service Management.
ITSM Event Management
See through the “noise” of constant alerts from your monitoring tools. Monitor the most critical issues with your IT equipment and generate new incidents or changes when event thresholds are exceeded.
1. What Does It Do?

Create event rules that automatically create Incidents or even Changes
Link events to the Configuration Items (CIs) that caused them
Specify thresholds for major events and cut out the background noise
Monitor event trends over time and identify poor performing Cis
2. Key User Benefits

Increased visibility of problems as they happen
Improved trend spotting over time
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As automated server and application monitoring tools make increasing levels of information available to system administrators, it is important to be able to filter events that require action from events that do not. Some events might require no action at all; others might require an Incident or even a Change to be initiated. But sometimes it can be hard to see this through the “noise” of so many alerts. Sunrise IT Service Management Event Management enables you to define the rules that will be triggered by significant events found by your automated monitoring tools. You can specify the type of threshold which will trigger the event and even initiate a Change or an Incident as appropriate. Incoming events are automatically associated to the event record, which in turn automatically links the record to any Configuration Item (CI) involved in the event.
With events linked to Configuration Items (CIs), Incidents and Changes it’s easy to perform analysis of the information and spot trends, such as event breaches by Item type.
Event Management can gather information from manual input, from the database directly, via email, or using the Sostenuto REST web service API.

Build a central store for all assets, whether hardware, software, IT services or anything in between. Associate assets to people, departments, locations and other services, to understand the impact of future changes and issues.
1. What Does It Do?

Record outages against items and services
Maintain visibility of upstream and downstream relationships and understand the impact of Change
Track warranties, contracts, and suppliers, depreciation, residual values and operational life-span
Integrate with network asset tool Certero AssetStudio™, or any discovery tool of your choice, to help you automatically populate your CMDB
Manage permanent or temporary loan equipment from stock
2. Key User Benefits

Single source of truth about the items you support
Increased accuracy of impact analysis
Save time and costs
Increased visibility and control over IT information
3. More Info

When something goes wrong it’s important to have an accurate Configuration Management Database (CMDB) containing a record of each Configuration Item (CI). But keeping the information up-to-date on hundreds, or even thousands, of desktops, laptops, servers, printers, and services can be almost impossible without a centralised database of configuration items. Without accurate information to hand, your Service Desk cannot accurately understand the impact of changes, the likely effect of loss of services on your IT users, nor pro-actively manage customer expectations. Sunrise IT Service Management allows you to track detailed information on every CI, including technical information, financial facts and figures, and the suppliers you need to contact in an emergency. All assets can be linked to their originating orders, warranty and underpinning contracts, as well as their current owners.
With a consolidated CMDB you can keep track of your assets by linking configuration items to people, departments, locations and other services. Tracking the Incidents and Problems that relate to each CI is simple, and assessing the impact of any Change becomes a breeze.
With Sunrise IT Service Management you can manage a central store for all Configuration Items be they hardware, software, IT services or anything in between.
ITSM Change Management
Reduce change risk by managing, scheduling and communicating proposed future changes. Identify business impacts, and gain approval within change processes, and you’ll be in control every step of the way.
1. What Does It Do?

Record the Change impact, justification, severity, risks and backout scripts
Initiate, approve, implement and verify your Change requests
Automatically keep everyone in the loop as Changes pass through important milestones
Break down your complex Changes into smaller tasks and allocate to the relevant individuals for action
Eliminate errors by ensuring all Changes are commercially and technically appropriate for the business
2. Key User Benefits

Reduce costs
Increased customer satisfaction
Improved communication
Reduced number of errors
Complete visibility
3. More Info

Change is inevitable but managing it can be tricky. IT is complex, multiple stakeholders are often involved, and processes can be difficult to follow. If change is not closely managed then time slips, actions are missed, and changes pass into production without anyone noticing anything is wrong until it’s too late. This can lead to service degradation or even complete system outages. Ultimately everyone is impacted. No wonder then that effective Change and Release Management is so important. Sunrise IT Service Management Change Management allows you to see who is impacted by potential changes to key services, allows you to manage multiple stakeholders and deadlines, and automatically keeps everyone updated as the change progresses from approvals, to implementation, testing and production release.
Sunrise IT Service Management contains comprehensive Release and Change Management features allowing you to keep on top of all of your Changes, from the smallest to the largest. Reduce the time you take to roll out any release, and improve the overall quality and effectiveness, with Sunrise IT Service Management.
Sunrise IT Service Management allows you to associate key changes to existing Problems or Known Errors, then allocate multiple changes to release packages for final testing and deployment. Understand the impact of Change using the consolidated CMDB, manage Change blackout periods, and minimise the risk of failed change by increasing visibility across your teams. With Sunrise IT Service Management you’ll never miss a release target for your Changes again.

ITSM Product and Order Management
Gain complete visibility and control of your incoming IT by publishing a list of approved products, and managing orders from quotation, to approval, confirmation, and through to delivery on-site.
1. What Does It Do?

Manage a single point of reference for all purchasing transactions within the IT department
Track current and historic price information for your approved products lists
Manage supplier part numbers, and expected lead time for approved products part
Track the status of your orders, split deliveries, signatories and the ultimate destination of equipment
Upload and attach original procurement documentation, order forms, invoices, and scanned copies of delivery notices
2. Key User Benefits

Make better informed buying decisions
Increase productivity
Save time and costs
Increase order visibility and control
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The management of orders for new IT equipment, following requests from users or just simple asset recycling, is critical to keeping on top of your IT estate. Gaining visibility of the orders you have awaiting quotes, pending delivery or coming in today ensures you can more accurately plan your daily activities.
Order Management is tightly integrated with both Product Management so that orders are raised only for products that are currently available from suppliers, approved for internal use, and available within your published catalogue. Information such as purchase price, tax rates, last purchase date, and lead times can be defined for each certified product, and used to make better informed buying decisions.
Order Management incorporates a comprehensive procurement approval process, and allows the tracking of individual orders featuring multiple order-lines. This provides traceability to corresponding invoice information and increases your visibility and control. Successful deliveries can be automatically added to the Configuration Item database (CMDB) on completion of the order, ensuring there’s no double-handling of information.
Gain complete visibility over your IT procurement requests, with Sunrise IT Service Management Product and Order Mangement.

ITSM Project Management
Monitor Project progress against agreed milestones and keep projects, outstanding tasks, and the resolution of pending issues, visible and on-target at all times.
1. What Does It Do?

Track anticipated vs actual time and costs incurred for any project
Accurately allocate and manage the resources necessary to deliver projects
Keep a record of all requirements for each project
Identify and schedule tasks and milestones according to your overall project plan
Monitor and manage any project-specific issues and assign to the project team for resolution
Easily identify project-specific risks and track mitigation strategies
2. Key User Benefits

Improved understanding of project deliverables
Clearer visibility of current project status and risks
Increased number of projects completing on time and on budget
Improved allocation of resources
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Managing complex projects, with multiple stakeholders, tight deadlines and fixed costs, can be both time consuming and fraught with issues. Questions such as “where are we with…?” and “when will x be complete…?” are often difficult to establish when being up-to-date on the status of your project is paramount to delivering on-time and in-budget. You need both visibility and control in order to make better informed project decisions. Sunrise ITSM supports your desire for improved project management by providing centralised management of all aspects of your project including capturing the business case, anticipated costs vs actual costs, effort expected and delivered, deadlines and delivery milestones, as well as stakeholders and allocated resources. Project requirements can be tracked, with individual actions broken down into specific tasks that can be assigned and tracked accordingly. Any project specific issues can also be managed until resolution.
Improved project visibility and control With Sunrise ITSM, your Project records become centralised repositories for all those involved in delivery, from business stakeholders, engineers, and even your customers. Status updates can be given to all, project risks tracked and mitigated, and complementary documentation attached and shared with other project resources.
Integrated fully with Sunrise ITSM Audit capabilities, your projects can be regularly audited and monitored, providing comprehensive information covering all aspects of your project’s compliance with internal policies, or external legal frameworks. Whether your projects are big or small, Sunrise IT Service Management allows you to see at-a-glance the current status of all of your projects, manage tasks and issues to tight deadlines, deliver against your milestones, and get back under control. With Sunrise ITSM Project Management you’ll always have the right project information on hand exactly when you need it.

ITSM Release Management
Group multiple changes together into a single release package, simplify your rollouts, and never miss a release target again. Track problems, known errors, and further change requests associated with each of your releases.
1. What Does It Do?

Tightly integrated with Change Management processes allowing grouping of packages of work
Track release business case, scope, and Release readiness
Verify, reject or approve Releases
Track the total effort and cost expended on each Release
Create and link new Known Errors affecting a release as well as new Change Requests
2. Key User Benefits

Reduce costs
Increased customer satisfaction
Improved communication
Reduced number of errors
Complete visibility
3. More Info

Accurate information, resource planning and management are all essential components of your release management strategy. Without a consolidated release management process you’re prone to complexities, issues and potential pitfalls that create havoc, confusion, and lost revenue. Not to mention the unhappy customers. Sunrise IT Service Management gives you a holistic overview of how each release impacts all other areas of your service desk. Sunrise IT Service Management’s Release processes ensures each Change Request related to each release package is centrally stored, always available, and up-to-date. Key milestones relating to each release can be flagged, with automatic alerts being sent to interested parties when key dates are reached. Training and documentation updates can be scheduled around key release dates, again with email notification where appropriate. In addition, records of test cycles can be maintained and analysed for future reference, as well as adding any known issues as problems and associating these with the release package and individual Change Request that introduced them.
Through careful and controlled Release Management processes, significant reductions in costs can be seen, through improved utilisation of your valuable IT resources. This ensures a greater quality of each Release, as well as an overall reduction of the length of time it will take you to roll out.
Sunrise IT Service Management’s Release processes will put you in control of every step of your route to live deployment for your packages of Change.

"We’ve been using Sunrise for nearly three years, without any failures, giving us reassurance and allowing us to focus on supporting the work of the council, its staff and councillors. We particularly like the ease of use, and the intuitive interface that we’ve been able to customise to meet our needs in every area."
Judy Barker

"Sunrise has been transformational in how we are now working and the data that we are able to capture and use."
Womble Bond Dickinson
IT Services Manager

"We saw that Sunrise’s employees are really enthusiastic about the company and hugely experienced. That made our decision very straightforward - Sunrise is just the right partner for us. Adopting the SaaS model means we don’t have to worry about release cycles or server management either, as it’s all managed by Sunrise."
Bidfood - Matt Wilsher
Head of IT Services

"As with the entire NHS, we have a focus on efficiency, and Sunrise enables us to automate many of our processes, giving staff time to handle more complex, more challenging jobs where they can really add value."
NHS Merseyside
Head of IT Service Operations

"We have the ability to customise the platform for different areas of the university and have removed the need for a multitude of platforms from multiple providers."
Plymouth University
Service Improvement Manager

"Flexibility, scalability, customisation and speed of implementation were paramount to us. Sunrise ITSM enabled us to improve and alter the way in which we logged and managed queries through to resolution, with a clean and simple user interface that staff could quickly and easily get to grips with."
WM Housing
Senior Administrator

"The relationship we have with Sunrise feels more like a partnership than a client / supplier dynamic. They have always responded to our feedback 100%, and gone out of their way to support us in our ISO/IEC 20000 undertaking."
Nicki Burton

"For us Sunrise were the clear choice. The system has a broad range of features and functions and it was the most cost effective answer to our needs."