Sunrise ITSM is accredited by Service Desk Institute as first Service Desk Software to be compliant with the updated International Service Desk Metrics and Reporting Standard 2017
Supporting the SDI in driving service desk performance standards and improving customer service
Chessington, Surrey, 10th April 2017 – Sunrise Software, a leading supplier of service management solutions, and the Service Desk Institute (SDI) are delighted to announce the re-accreditation of Sunrise ITSM as the first service desk software to be compliant for Performance Reports Reporting in line with the updated SDI Service Desk Standard.
Feedback from a significant number of SDI certified service desks and SDI members highlights that reporting service desk metrics and report generation continue to be the biggest bugbears for service desk managers worldwide. The challenges include not only knowing which metrics should be measured but also how to extract the data from service desk software products so they can be reported on quickly and easily with the least amount of human intervention possible.
Passionate about inspiring service desks to be brilliant, SDI has made it their mission to help service desk professionals find a resolution to this common challenge and has set out to make service desk reporting challenges a thing of the past. Since 2013, SDI has worked with a range of service desk software suppliers to build a reporting capability into their software transforming the reporting process for service desks. Many desks have been able to produce performance reports as defined in SDI’s internationally recognised SDI Service Desk Standard, upon which the SDI Service Desk Certification (SDC) programme is based, at the click of a button from within their own service desk tool.
Today SDI is delighted to reaffirm Sunrise ITSM’s compliance with the SDI Standard for Performance Results Reporting and announce it as the first product in the world to be certified as SDI Performance Results Report Compliant with the latest SDI Service Desk Standard for 2017.
Geoff Rees, Sales Director at Sunrise commented: “We are delighted to be the first solution provider in the world to achieve the updated accreditation for our ITSM service desk software. At Sunrise we are committed to providing innovative solutions that enable our clients to provide the best possible support to customers. Sunrise has provided the one-click SDI Performance Results Reporting function since 2013 and time and again, this feature has proven useful to our SDI certified customers. Updating the reporting function in line with the new standard makes it easier for our customers to achieve and measure service excellence themselves.”
Providing easy, efficient and intuitive access to the international standard of service desk metrics has proven invaluable for organisations from a broad cross-section of industries currently engaged with SDI’s Service Desk Certification programme.
Tessa Troubridge, CEO at SDI, added: “SDI’s goal is to drive improvements and world class performance in service desks by inspiring them to align with a core set of measures that can be used to demonstrate value to IT departments and the wider business. I look forward to every ITSM software provider following Sunrise ITSM’s lead in supporting service desks demonstrate their true business value as the heartbeat of the IT.”
For more information on the SDI Service Desk Standard, please visit
See for more on Sunrise SDI compliant reports and view a short video demo here.
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