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Sostenuto ITSM verified by independent testing lab

Sostenuto ITSM verified by independent testing lab

CHESSINGTON – May 27, 2009 – Sunrise Software has today published a report following testing conducted by independent testing lab Broadband-Testing Labs, that validates its claims that its Sostenuto IT Service Management (ITSM) solution is one of the most flexible and versatile products available on the market today. Broadband Testing Lab’s report provides an overview of the modules that make up Sunrise Sostenuto ITSM v3 spanning system, incident, problem, change and release management and including support for areas such as knowledge, contacts, third-parties, contract management, service levels, products and order management. The report draws on case studies from customers including CSE Global (UK), Explore and Apex Computers International, all of which highlight the inherent flexibility that Sunrise Sostenuto delivers in a real-world environment.

The Broadband Testing report in summary questions the approach by many enterprise software vendors, whose products are less flexible in their design, often demanding that customers implementing these solutions adapt working practices to the methodology defined by the solution. It contrasts this with Sostenuto, which allows ITSM to be modelled around the business process flow and function, representing a flexible platform that can be used to support other elements of the business IT infrastructure too, using exactly the same user interface and software components.

Steve Broadhead, founder and CEO of Broadband Testing Labs commented: “Flexibility is an essential pre-requisite of a contemporary ITSM solution. The reality is that companies can no longer deal in 5-10 year fixed business plans and require IT solutions that can evolve in line with their business needs. Our evaluation of Sunrise Software’s Sostenuto solution verifies the product’s inherent flexibility and with the company’s recent introduction of subscription pricing model, this also extends to the way companies can purchase the software.”

About Broadband-Testing Labs:

Broadband-Testing is Europe’s foremost independent network testing facility and consultancy organisation for broadband and network infrastructure products. Based in Andorra, Broadband-Testing offers extensive labs, demo and conference facilities.

The full Broadband Testing Report: Sostenuto ITSM v3: A Focus on Flexibility can be downloaded for free here:


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